To come so far to this beautiful jewel, one must see it to believe it. Rajasthan is not an easy place to visit, but it is an astonishing place with so many forts and palaces. The forts are amazing gorgous and magnificent places. We went to see one of the forts today, and I always feel really bad seeing the way the masters or maharajas have leave having so many wives. Some of the rugs were made with gold and silver. The rug is an amazing jewel of the ancient times. What I think is that this place is surrounded with so much poverty around these magnificent places. It seems that most people seem to just accept the situation the way it is.
Today, we went to see another fort which is one of the most beautiful jewels of the Maharajas. This fort was an important place during the midevil era, when the majaraja died the wife was supposed to throw hersel on the funeral pyre. It is astonishing to me is to see how luxurious this fort was already 500 years ago.
It seems to me that the situation hasn't changed for the unfortunate people who don't have anything. I feel bad, and wondering when the system is going to change since now the upper Indian class is still celebrating weddings with saris that cost 5,000 or 8,000 rupis. On the other hand, I know that not all India is the same when it comes to their social status. For instance in the south city of Kerala, the Communist party controls the city. In Kerala we were told that 100% of the people are literate and women seem to participate more in the society. I could observe that people seem to live better off that here in Rajasthan where people seem to have many problems especially with the housing. The poverty is overwhelming here.
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