We just came back from a strenuous hike on the Lang Bian mountain, it was very difficult. This mountain has five volcanic peaks ranging in altitude from 2100m to 2400m. It took us 2 hours and half to make it to the top. I almost gave up because my legs were shaken and I felt dizzy. I wanted to get to the top. Finally, we reached the top about 12:30 pm. The view was spectacular and fantastic with so many peaks and mountains around. Half a century ago these mountains were populated with wild oxen, deer, boar, elephants, rhinoceros and tigers. The top half of the mountain still has lush foliage. Twenty minutes before reaching the top is the most difficult part,it gets slippery and steep.
On the way back unfortunately, I was really tired and I wasn't paying attention and fell down. I got tripped on a big vine, and I got hurt really bad. But I was able to hike back to the village.
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